It's Night Outside

    That room isn’t so big enough to see. That small lady just sitting backwards a simple line couch. It’s a dark night outside. And the wind is blowing softly and tenderly.

    She makes a parting of her short hair. And she does love it when the wind become so light in her white nest. She is sitting, and watching. That screen in front of her, playing the drama and whisper dialogues.

    She looks so curious, and just put her sight to the actors. She is listening, she is pretending. How if that actress was me? That’s what she pretending in the minutes after.

    That is not an usual movie. She didn’t watch that movie because of nothing, or just a coincident one. That guy she met, just gave it to her as a strange surprise. That guy, she never met him before. They just met by an accident 48 hours before..


    “Why are you crying?” he offered his shawl to that crying small lady.

    “Sorry… but I don’t want to looks so stupid telling you that,” the lady get that guy’s shawl. And just put it in her hand while she is trying to stop her tears.

    “Stupid!” that guy said. “When I saw you crying from that corner over there,” that guy direct his hands to the street corner behind him, “I have been thought that you are a stupid one crying in this public scene.”

    That lady suddenly laughs. Then she’s sweeping the tears on her pale cheeks. She puts that shawl to her two hands, and gives it direct to that guy.

    “Thank you for complimenting me.” She puts her hands to her coat pocket after gave the shawl back. “But, honestly, it’s not the reason behind which is stupid to tell you,” that lady’s smiling.

    “Eh?” that guy asked.

    “It’s a happy-crying.” She laughs again.

    “Happy?” that guy confused, “then which one supposed to be a stupidity?”

    “Before just now, I have many cries in many nights. But I never know how to stop it. Until one day, I figured out, that I was stupid.” She is smiling to that guy.

    “I was stupid, because I didn’t know how to deal with it. And maybe, because I can barely think in a clear mind, then I said “isn’t it enough?”. I mean, what am I crying for right now? And why can’t I just try to see things that could make me happier? And that’s when I saw my reflection at the mirror after.”

    That guy’s keeps listening.

    “I saw my face there. And I saw my gesture there. Then I realized, that wasn’t a real me. I even don’t know who the reflection is. My self who I saw there, is ever look better than that. She was confidence, cute, and funny. That was me before.”

    “Can’t you understand? I miss my self much more than… feeling bad to be left behind. I miss my self when I was pretending to be a stronger aside of optimistic people. I miss my self when I was a help in supporting my friends.”

    Seconds goes by in a silence. And they both are freezing altogether.
That guy is smiling. And he puts his shawl back to his nest. It’s apparently cold enough in that winter. But he knows, it’s not cold enough to freeze that lady warmth. And for the first time after long years, he smiles confidently to himself. Then he said, “You remind me of the coolest people I ever knew before.”

    “Eh? Who?” that confusing lady asked then.
    “Me!” That guy answered then. Still, said it confidently.


  1. Is waiting for next dialogues. Nice story :)

  2. Weh weh weeeh inggrisan niyeee.. XD

  3. @mb winny : makasi uda baca tulisanku yg lg aneh ini. Hehe

    @nenk : heu.. Jadi malu...

  4. waduh belibet lidah nih teh..
    abisan nya linggis-linggisan hehehe
    mulut membaca
    otak mentranslate
    kocar-kacir tapi gak sampe tergelincir.

  5. nagih nih gambar buat aku mana mbak heheee

  6. Wah..wah..wah.....bhasa inggris ane jeblog ni wied...

  7. @Bintang air : eleuh2 ... hihihhi... ampe kcarkacir tapi gak tergelincir... ampir sama tau lah bintang... wkwkwkwwk

    @Ninda : aduhh,,, belom sempat.... ^-^ buttuh mood biar gak mengecewakan kamu... wkwkwk

    @ariefborneo : hihihihi.... merendah apa beneran yah ^-^

  8. bagaimana if blue belajar sama kamu dulu.........heheheh
    salam hangat dari blue

    p cabar

  9. i love it. nice story..menunggu cerita selanjutnya :)

  10. @Blue : hihihiihih.... sama2 ,,,

    @Isti : makasih udah baca yah ^-^v

  11. dateng lagiiiii....
    mau melintir lidah pake linggis

  12. wah, Q nggk pintar bahasa inggris mbak..hheehe
    jadinya komen dulu baru baca perlahan 2... :)
    jadi pingin bisa bikin kayak mbak.. sip.. nice story..

  13. artinya apa tu mb?

  14. Assalamualikum.. ^^
    salam kenal saya piet...
    nice to know ur story ^^

  15. semangat y
    salam hangat dari blue

  16. loh
    udah malem ya
    kq masih terang ya?

  17. Lagi aneh?
    kok bisa bikin cerita "soft" and "nice" seperti ini ^_^

    (akhirnya saya posting lagi di pojok pradna...setelah sibuk jalan-jalan :D )

    euh...cerita ini juga postingan sudah 13 hari yang lalu,lho *nada ngguaya orang yg posting 2 bulan sekali*

  18. Salam kenal friend, apa kabar nech????

  19. malam
    p cabar
    salam hangat dari blue


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